Thanks for the tip on the jumpers on the back of the PSU, Tony. I have
manufactured a replacement and after reseating the boards, I appear to
have a working PDP-8/e CPU once more. I have misplaced a box of parts
(go figure) so am missing the bulk of my over-the-top jumpers, so the
core testing will have to wait for another day, but I currently have the
chassis and PSU sitting side by side on the table (the base from a scrapped
RM02), leaving me enough room for a hex-height 16K MOS card to hang over
the side of the OMNIBUS. Preliminary testing shows that all is well. I
can store and retrieve numbers from the MOS memory, enter run state, single
step and halt. All the bulbs appear live. I am only missing the knob off
the front panel so I have to guess what mode the bottom row of lights is in.
Next step - RX8E and try to boot OS/8. Failing that, back to the papertapes.
On _that_ note... one of the other goodies I unearthed this weekend is a
portable papertape reader used by DEC FS when diags still came on tape but
customers had moved on to VT52s... it's a PR/S01. I have zero docs on this
thing and have no idea what baud rate it defaults to. It is a 20mA device
with a male and female connector - one with 4 wires marked TERMINAL, the
other with 6 wires marked READER. How to hook it up seems obvious (I need
to unearth my box of 20mA cables). How to strap the TTY card less so.
I do have diagnostic tapes; as soon as a friend of mine loans me his 20mA-to-
RS-232 converter, I expect to back up four boxes of diags and utils (none of
which I expect are unique in the world - it's lots of MAINDEC and DECUS stuff)
I did attempt to place two different KK8A modules in the -8/e box in place
of the KK8E. Toggling the Load Address switch only incremented the MA
lights in either case. I do not know for certain if these particular boards
are working, but what is the expected behavior for the combination of a
PDP-8/a CPU and a PDP-8/e front panel? Is it supposed to work? I know you
can stuff a KK8E in a hex-height OMNIBUS box. That was a supported
configuration. Also, where can I get a diagram describing the function of
the DIP switch on the KK8A? ISTR that only one or two switches have any
beneficial effect, but it's been more than 10 years since I have had to change
one and I forget what they do.
Furthermore, is there a good page to reference for some trivial toggle-in
programs for basic test/checkout? I can write a couple, but if there are
some pre-done ones, I'd rather start there.
The eventual goal of _this_ box is to pass all tests, then move on to
repairing the TD8E/TU56 that came with it. When I used this box in college,
it used to work. Between then and when they threw it out, the DECtape stopped
working. I have boxes of tapes to go through/use/backup once it all works.
Infinet has been sold. The domain is going away in February.
Please send all replies to
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at
<> This Vt180 has a mild screen allignment problem where a service
<> manual would be a help for addjusting the video screen. It seems that
<> the top line of the screen is Bigger than the bottom line of text.
<> both lines ae fully on the screen, its clearly a cosmetic concern.
<Isn't the video system very similar to that in the VT100 terminal?
It _is_ a VT100 with AVO. the VT180 adda an extra card to run CP/M.
My thanks go out to all those who helped debug my problem with receiving
messages from the list. It was a problem at my ISP, not the listproc.
I own several domains, and they didn't reconfigure them properly after
their DNS server died (without backup) a week or so ago. The problem
was eventually solved when they granted me access to their mail
administration software, and I found the problem and fixed it. :-)
It was strange - for some reason, U-Wash and Yahoo would try to contact
the secondary MX-record mail machine instead of my ''
machine, and the secondary was misconfigured. I was still receiving
the other 98% of my mail.
Thanks again, I'm happily back on the list.
- John
Hi all,
I recently picked up a DEC Correspondent LA-12 printing terminal.
It looks like a little cousin of the DECwriter II, really. Apparently
there were two models available, one with a 300 baud coupling modem,
and one without. I got the one without.
I'm trying to figure out how to configure the dang thing. There's a
"Set Up" key which seems to act like a toggle for going into some
sort of set-up mode, but I'm really just stabbing around in the dark.
I've gotten it to print out its current configuration, but I can't
figure out how to set new values! I'd like to use it as a console
on my VAX, so I'll need to figure out how to do 9600 baud 8-N-1.
Right now it's set up at 9600/1200 7-E-1 for some strange reason.
Does anyone have documentation on this beast? The Universal Database
(aka the Internet) has been of little use on this one, that I've found.
"This is not something made up... this is taken from | Seth J. Morabito
a secret 12th century alchemy manuscript. this is | sethm(a)
the real thing!!!" -- An online auction (really!) | Perth ==> *
Rumor has it that Mike Cheponis may have mentioned these words:
>p.s. Allison, just curious, are you a recovering DECaholic? ;-) Your ferver
>for the old DEC stuff is amazing to me! Religion? It's fun to watch!
Recovering? Recovering?!?!?!? Ya know, some of us just don't want to be
cured, and some even feel that these wonderful machines (not *just* DEC's,
but they're of course included... ;-) are the anti-venom to Micro$haft's
deep, wounding fangs.
Boy, you sure know how to cut to the quick, eh?
As always, just MHO,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger --- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right??? Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
<I have already contacted the writer about disks, but can anyone help
<her on the cable and other information?
I can do a cable.
Alignment is obvious once the cover is off and video board is visible.
< Related to this, does anyone got a manual for the Vt180? I
<would like to know how to use this with CP/M or whatever OS it uses.
I have manuals but no way to copy an inch of bound paper. I gave away all
the doc sets I did have.
It only ran CPM. If you played with DOS it's close.
< I also need to refine the setup B screen configuration for
<best results with my linux system.
That info should be under the keyboard like most VT100s.
< This Vt180 has a mild screen allignment problem where a service
<manual would be a help for addjusting the video screen. It seems that
<the top line of the screen is Bigger than the bottom line of text.
<both lines ae fully on the screen, its clearly a cosmetic concern.
There is a screen alignment pattern (screen full of capital E)... I'd have
to look up the escape sequence for it.
< If you have this info. please email me at mdalene(a) or
<post your response here. I will post my address here also for anyone
<who just wants to stuff a few manuals/disks via postal
Wish I could on the docs. DISKS, I'd have to set up mine to make copies
that will not happen for a while as I have a work project on the desk
and an 11/23 in the middle of the room (dont ask). The cable I can do.
--- Don Maslin <donm(a)> wrote:
> I have already contacted the writer about disks, but can anyone help
> her on the cable and other information?
> I found a Vt180 a few weeks ago...
> (missing) ...the floppy cable (DB25 to DB37).
Out of curiosity, is this the same cable as used with the DECMate I? Does
anyone have the pinout for the DECMate I *dual* RX02-pair cable - DC37 to
two DB25s? I only have one single DECMate I cable (and one DECMate I). I'd
like to be able to add the second drive into the pedestal.
Infinet has been sold. The domain is going away in February.
Please send all replies to
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at
Hi All:
I'm still in the market for either of these DEC table top punched card
If you know of one that's available, please let me know via direct email.
Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD
Chuck McManis <cmcmanis(a)> writes:
> Anyone know the "default" CSR for the 3rd MSCP disk controller? (or
> have the CONFIGURE command handy?)
Well, yeah. Also, I've posted (a couple of times) my emulation of the
SYSGEN CONFIGURE command, a small C program I call just sysgen. I
don't have a copy here at the moment, but I can repost it from home.
I'd be happy to see it (or something based on it) become a part of the
standard NetBSD distribution, and integrated into the install kit for
NetBSD/vax... It was re-engineered from the tables in the back of one
of the VMS 5.2 manuals -- and I interestingly uncovered several small
mistakes in those tables while doing it. :-) (My program agrees with
the actual CONFIGURE output where the tables don't.)
Anyway, the actual CSR and vector assignments generally depend on the
total configuration of the system, but here's a simple run on a VAX,
based on what you asked about:
Device: UDA Name: PUA CSR: 772150 Vector: 154 Support: yes
Device: UDA Name: PUB CSR: 760334* Vector: 300* Support: yes
Device: UDA Name: PUC CSR: 760340* Vector: 304* Support: yes
Popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity. --Niles Crane, "Frasier"
Yeah. The 5155 Is the one that I'm looking for - the sewing machine one.
Although, if someone has a 5140 for a good (fairly low) price, I wouldn't
mind getting one of those, too =)
I also have some old stuff to trade, too, mostly desktop stuff.
<the GeNeRaL>
ICQ#: 1730318
( general-one(a) )
< >
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell <ard(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Sunday, October 24, 1999 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: IBM 5155 Anyone have one?
>> >Hi!
>> >
>> >Does anyone have an IBM 5155 (I think I got the model right) Portable PC
>> >that they would want to sell/trade something for?
>> You mean a 5140?
>No, I think he means a 5155.
>The 5155 is a sewing-machine like case containing a PC/XT motherboard, 2
>half-height floppy drives + controller (hard disks were not officially
>supported, but users did add them), a 9" mono monitor (linked to a CGA
>card), a 114W (IIRC) PSU, and not a lot else. The keyboard (standard
>PC/XT one in a different case) clipped over the screen/drives (== the
>bottom of the machine when carrying it).
>Scheamtics, etc are in the PC/XT techref and the appropriate O&A Techrefs.