Perhaps Bob wants to ensure that the guy has to pay the 5% to Ebay.
- Doug
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Yowza []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 9:22 PM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Another Altiar up for Auction
> Hey, Bob. I just noticed that you are the current high bidder! We only
> know a few things about you: you're in it for the money, you've got a
> bunch of Altairs that you got "cheap", and you're an ethical guy. So,
> what's with the first momentum-setting bid?
> -- Doug
> Actually I'm still running one, in a Leading Edge model D Xt box that
> does cool exceptionally well. The power supply (and the fan in it) is
> behind the disk stack and exceptionally well cooled. I put a second fan
> in the 486/66 for that reason... to hot.
> The altair taught me well about heat... and lousy air flow.
> Allison
One of the computers that had a VERY bad airflow was the Tandy 2500SX.
They used to have one at my school, and someone left it on over the weekend
(turned off the monitor and forgot the computer). When they got back on
Monday, the fan in the P/S had stopped (bearings had somehow frozen), the
HD was still going, the top of the case (plastic) had gotten soft, and the
monitor had sunk into the top of the case. The hard drive was an old
Microscience 72(? may have been 80 with a lot of bad sectors) MB that
sounded like a full-height Maxtor when it was running. Nothing worked
anymore, except the HD would spin up. It was the only computer from that
school that I couldn't revive. Not even the RAM chips worked anymore.
Would excessive heat caused the bearings in the fan to freeze? The fan was
working when the computer was turned on, but was totally frozen (VERY tight
when removed from P/S) on Monday. The computer was a mini-desktop, and
only had a few vents near the bottom of the front panel and only a 2 1/2"
In looking at the PDP-11/03's that I got today, one thing is very obvious.
They've got disk controllers that are useless to me. The controllers are
>from a company called 'Xebec', and it is my understanding that they went to
special drives.
Now I know that the /03's are SLOW, however, they're in a nice little case
so I'm looking at them thinking, hmmmm. I wonder if I can put a DILOG
floppy controller I've got in one of them. What I'm wondering is do such
things as drive controllers care about the 18bit / 22bit differences of the
backplane? At least it's my understanding that a PDP-11/03 has a 18bit
On a separate note, I ended up with 3 more VT100's with this, and one of
them had a loose top, so I took a look inside, and noticed that it has what
looks to be a Q-Bus backplane. What is the story here? Can I put some
cards in here and have a working PDP-11? (I know figure the odds) I took
a look through the VT100 tech manual I got today, but couldn't find
anything about the backplane.
On a positive note, I've finally got some documentation, so maybe I'll
quite asking so many stupid questions. :^) On that note, I think I'll
send this, and spend some time trying to find some shelf space for said
documentation :^(
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh(a) (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh(a) (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |
At 12:46 PM 8/14/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I fell very truly sorry for you. In a computer you have such an awesome
>and powerful device, which can educate you in more than a few ways.
>Newer equipment to a lesser degree, it's all black-boxes and corporate
>now, but older gear is perfect for finding out how things work. It's a shame
A quick question... How many people know how to work on their cars? How
many drive older vehicles without as much "black-box" stuff?
I think that automobiles are similar, in that knowing how they work, and
how to work on them, is really cool, and yet, a lot of us drive modern
machines (<20yo) and take them to mechanics, without ever thinking about
them. That's not wrong, but if you can see the similarity, it may help to
understand those who use computers without caring about how they work, or
without wanting to work on them themselves.
(P.S., I drive a '59 Land Rover(s) and my girlfriend's '89 Mazda.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a) that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Don't know if this is classic but I just got an entire VMS 5.2 'grey
wall'free. Allison - can I reliably use this as a reference for my 5.5
Now to learn eve and then VAX Macro.
Coming back from a long road trip to Radiofest in Elgin, IL, I stopped by
Fair Radio Sales in Lima, OH. On a shelf I saw what looked to be a decent
Kaypro 2X. If anyone is interested, drop them an email (search the Web
for the address). I have no idea what they wanted for it, nor its
electrical condition.
While there, I found a slim manual to the CDC 6000 series machines.
Something about SCOPE...I suppose I ought to read it.
I am also now the proud owner of an SGI 4D/380 (and most of another
4D/380). Physically it is in very good shape, but apparently it is quite
sick. 8 processors, buckets of SIMMs, neeto graphics, but the best thing
is the "CPU Power Meter" on the front of the cabinet...
Does anyone have IRIX on 1/4" tape?
William Donzelli
--- You wrote:
> If they're not willing to sell them, I know two places here in Florida
>that are! They scrap out MACs by the dozens!
> Joe
>--- end of quote ---
>Oooh! Where? Where?
Two scrappers located in Melbourne, Florida. I can get you their phone
numbers but I doubt they'd be interested in shipping anything unless you're
willing to pay a handsome price.
--- end of quote ---
I live within (notveryreasonable) driving distance -- please do tell me the phone numbers, or at least the names and I can call information. Thank you!
-- MB
>Actually, it costs him nothing to relist. The initial
>listing cost him $2 but he is afforded one free relist
>if the item does not meet it's reserve.
This is only partly true: as soon as someone bids - Ebay takes 5% of the bid
regardless of whether or not the reserve was met. So if last time the bids
went up to $5000 - Ebay has billed him $250 + $2.
So I don't know why he doesn't just start the lowest bid at his reserve
price???? This is the same guy who lists a URL to an Ebay hints and tips
page. Perhaps he has some kind of psychological angle...
Markus Blumrich -
Student: Physiology & Computer Science / University of Saskatchewan ICQ:12361373
"Who's the more foolish - the fool, or the fool who follows him?" - Obi-Wan
< > No, the PC DB9 is the mutant. ;) The DB25s are true RS232 with full
< > handshake.
< >
< Hmmm...I'll check with my breakout box tomorrow and check the docs on th
< terminal server. Something goofy is up. If the terminal server was
< seeing the MVII, I would have been able to telnet to the port. Hmmm...
DCE vs DTE...
< > The RD can be used but you'll need the customer formatter to format it
< > the RQDX3 instead of the DMIII controller.
< >
< Aha. I knew it. Is it hard or easy to get?
I don't have it but it's not that hard to find or copy. I use a MV2000
or RQDX3 formatter on PDP-11.
< No BASIC. I was a bit irritated with that. I think I need to find a
< decent VMS distribution on magtape or a TK50 cart. I have the controlle
< for and a TS05 6250 bpi streaming tape drive. Not hooked up yet but if
< the MVII is any indication, it'll be just fine.
Well you can get the CDrom (see decus). Even if you don't have a CDrom
on a VAX you may find someone that does.
< Anyone want to trade one-a-dem for an 11/24 cpu and 512k memory board?
< (Somehow I don't think anyone will go for that.) SCSI is where I always
< seem to fall down BTW. I need one for my 11/84 so I don't have to run
< the RA80 that's in it. Eeek. Big nasty power hog.
unibus is always harder to find eithernet and SCSI boards for. For Qbus
that would be less difficult as the DEQNA/DELQA and several vendors for
scsi cards.