I object to the use of the Classic Computer mailing list for advertising
for-sale items on an ongoing basis for profit. I consider the use of this
list in this way akin to dropping advertising leaflets in my mailbox, or
ringing me up and asking if I want to buy insurance.
Surely, the newsgroups and eBay, etc., are an appropriate place for regular
A mailing list dealing with the preservation of classic computers is not.
At 17:23 08/04/98 -0700, Jack wrote:
>I learn something new almost every day on this list...Today I learned
>that computers were actually made in Europe and not just in the U.S.
>Now if someone would just explain why anyone would want to collect a
> Jack "tongue planted firmly in his US-centric cheek" Peacock
Hmm,"The tongue goes where the tooth hurts"
? Riccardo Romagnoli,collector of:CLASSIC COMPUTERS,TELETYPE UNITS,PHONES ?
? AND PHONECARDS I-47100 Forli'/Emilia-Romagna/Food Valley/ITALY ?
? Pager(DTMF PHONES)=+39/16888(hear msg.and BEEP then 5130274*YOUR TEL.No.* ?
? where*=asterisk key |4 help visit http://www.tim.it/tldrin_eg/tlde03.html ?
? e-mail=chemif(a)mbox.queen.it ?
Van Burnham <van(a)wired.com> wrote:
> ps...Upon reading the thread regarding the justification in
> maintaining "modifications" made to a 128K Mac, I was reminded of a
> nightmare I witnessed at a vids auction. It appears someone had
> decided that it would be considerably more "state-of-the-art" to play
> something new instead of a slow-ass game called Computer Space...and
> proceeded to destroy the original board and monitor casing in order to
> convert the sleek fiberglass metalflake cabinet to play Pac-Man
> instead. I don't see why defacing a classic Mac (or "Frankentosh" as
> they say) should be regarded as any less horriffic. Am I totally off
> here? Anyone?
No, you're just mostly off.
The 128K Mac in question was one that had been upgraded with
contemporary modifications during its useful service life, with the
intention of making it do its thing, only better. It wasn't defaced,
it was enhanced, with things that were designed for just that purpose,
by someone using it for its intended purpose. And at its core it's
the same 128K Mac.
Gutting a 128K Mac to fit an SE/30's works inside would be stretching
this notion of "enhancement" a bit more than I'm comfortable with,
because so far as I know Mac users didn't do that sort of thing and
that sure isn't what SE/30 works were designed for. (But I'm not a
Mac guy and maybe someone did do this back then.)
And if I knew of someone planning to do something like what you
describe to a Computer Space machine today, well...I think that
stretches this notion past the point of fatigue. I'd certainly
encourage him away from such a course of action. What would I have
done in, say, 1982 though? I don't know, I might have even helped do
it, though I really don't think I'd have seen any point to it even
Now, that said, the goals of collectors don't necessarily have much to
do with the goals of the computer's contemporary users. Original
unmodified 128K Macs will probably be of more interest to some,
because they were The First Macintoshes (available for public sale,
anyway), and being first does have a certain cachet. And the fact
that many of their original users felt the need for such upgrades has
made unmodified 128K Macs that much rarer today.
-Frank McConnell
A real gentle-man!
Sam Ismail wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Enrico Tedeschi wrote:
> > You are demontrating AGAIN that you don't care about other people feelings and
> > problems. You are NOT in charge of policing this mailgroup. If you don't want
> > to see this sort messages anymore help me to fix my problem.
> I'm not going to help you do shit. This is YOUR problem. This is NOT the
> problem of classiccmp! Therefore, DON'T POST YOUR PROBLEMS ON CLASSICCMP!
> I don't post how much of an ass I think you are, so don't post your
> personal crap either! And you'd better bet that when I do take over the
> list, I'll make sure YOU are on the list of moderated members since you
> have proven time and time again that you can't police yourself. So show
> some restraint and respect and KEEP YOUR GARBAGE IN PRIVATE E-MAIL PLEASE!
> Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar(a)siconic.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't blame me...I voted for Satan.
> Coming Soon...Vintage Computer Festival 2.0
> See http://www.siconic.com/vcf for details!
Enrico Tedeschi, 54 Easthill Drive, Brighton BN41 2FD, UK
Tel/fax(+01273) 701650 (24 hours) and 0498 692465 (mobile)
please visit my website at: <http://www.brighton-uk.com>
Charles A. Davis wrote:
> It's also pertinent _what_ is being offered for sale, Complete and
> operational systems, will probably do great on one of the 'aution'
> sites. Random repair pieces, odd boards, documentation, weird
It seems to me if the "for sale" was restricted to 10 years or older
there would be no place for spam related "hot PII price list" stuff. I
have never received a single spam price list listing a uVAX I, an IMSAI
chassis, or a big price break on 16KB static RAM boards. Keep the For
Sale mail, but how about labeling it with the "FS:" prefix in the
subject so those who object can filter it out? I for one watch for the
occasional odd S-100 card, where else am I going to see that kind of
Jack Peacock
Russ and list
I admit to a bad mail day.
The bickering between Enrico and Cord, was another area where TWICE I wrote
a reply to the list and successfully staid my hand. I thought some were
using the list as a profit making exercise, and I apologise for this error.
I would still like to see prices kept private and simply "contact me if
you're interested", but of course that is a matter of personal preference.
I think we can close this thread, no?
I'm supposed to be playing with Windows NT Server now... (BLEAH!)
But the hardware guys are playing around, and they won't build my server. They have all the parts. So, I started scrounging around myslef...
Found a 486DX4/100, 16 meg or RAM, etc...
But a proper case was nowhere to be found!
So I got me a cardboard box and some masking tape...
I showed the result to our upstream admin, and we was laughing so hard we has almost crying...
(If you can call it that...)
My boss says it's OK as long as I power it off when I leave, so it doesn't
catch fire.
>> I'm supposed to be playing with Windows NT Server now... (BLEAH!)
> You GOT it, Seagraves. Seriously.
> In Yuk factor, this NT really take the cake. Took my boss months to
> learn and setup a NT server and 1,000's of reboots, each changes even
> one requires reboot. And a one dead PC too and few cards blown
> along with few boards that NT hates! I think I might able master
> Linux with good docs in very significent shorter time with more
> changes between fewer reboots.
We're being migrated to Windows Not Tolerable tomorrow, here at Power
Tech. Wish me luck, or pray for me to any god you think might answer...
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Philip Belben <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Bloedem Volke unverstaendlich treiben wir des Lebens Spiel.
Grade das, was unabwendlich fruchtet unserm Spott als Ziel.
Magst es Kinder-Rache nennen an des Daseins tiefem Ernst;
Wirst das Leben besser kennen, wenn du uns verstehen lernst.
Poem by Christian Morgenstern - Message by Philip.Belben(a)powertech.co.uk
PS I like the server in a box! Keep up the good work! P.
I have a GOB of manuals with software in 5.25" (and one 3.5") disks for
an IBM System 36. Here's a list of what's involved...
(D) denotes disks (N) notebook/looseleaf (W) wirebound (V) Vinyl
Small format books:
1) PC Support/36 technical reference, IBM SC21-9097-3 (N)
2) IBM System/36 Procedures and Commands Summary SC21-9024-2 (W)
SC21-9024-5 (W)
3) Getting Started with System/36 PC, SC21-9267-0 by SRA (D) (V)
Large format books:
1) 5364 System Unit Maint Info, System/36, SY31-9020-1 & 9027-0 (D)
2) Preparing to Install Your System 5364, IBM S/36 PC, SC21-9084-0 (D)
Setting Up Your Computer 5364, IBM S/36 PC, SA21-9505-0
Guide To Optional Equipment 5364, IBM S/36 PC, GX21-9817-1
3) Book Set - IBM S/36 PC System Support Prgramming, Configuration &
Sort ZC21-9148 (N)
4) Book Set - IBM S/36 PC Communications Features, Feature 6047,
ZC21-9155 (N) (D)
5) Book Set - IBM S/36 PC System Support Programming, 5727-SS6 Messages,
ZC21-9149 (N)
6) Book Set - IBM S/36 PC System Support Programming, 5727-SS6,
Operating Security,
ZC21-9147 (N)
7) Book Set - IBM S/36 PC Utilities, 5727-UT6, SDA/SEU/DFU, ZC21-9197
8) Book Set - IBM S/36 PC Utilities, 5727-UT6, WSU/Messages, ZC21-9198
9) Disk Set - IBM S/36 PC System Support Programming, 5727-SS6,
Diskettes, ZC21-9150
(N)(D) (40 +)
ALSO included: AST 5251/11 - IBM PC to System 34/36/38 Computer
Communications outfit. New, unused, in the box. Includes PC and
S/34/36/38 5.25 and 8" disks as well as the cable and interface unit for
the PC.
So there it is....The total weight of all the binders, pages, disks,
disk holders, etc is roughly 50 lbs. The 5251/11 enhanced S34/36/38 set
which is another 10 lbs. Can be packed in separate cartons or in one 60
lb box. One box is cheaper to ship, of course.
How much? $100 plus shipping for ALL the books and 5251/11 outfit plus
shipping. I've had a few serious inquiries but no definitive answer back
and I need the space. I paid $90 for this stuff myself so I'm making a
few bucks basically to cover my gas in running it to the shipping point
and my material in packing them. I don't mind getting this stuff to
redistribute to people that need it as I know this stuff is getting hard
to find. Otherwise you know where it would go.
First one to contact me and actually send a money order (after contact)
gets them. I'll need your zip code to figure shipping fees when you
contact me.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake(a)bbtel.com or rhblake(a)bigfoot.com
Website: http://members.tripod.com/~RHBLAKE/
ICQ # 1714857
* Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
Hi All,
Has anyone had any experience with a Diamond D5 wordprocessor? Has
anyone even *heard* of such a beast?
One was donated to me a while ago after standing unused in a garage for
a few years - apparently it was working when it went into store.
However, nowadays if I put the system disk into the drive it seeks the
heads, spins a couple of times, then all goes silent.
There's no cursor or anything on the monitor, but having never seen the
machine working myself I don't know if it should display anything at all
before a successful boot completes.
Basically I'm after more information before I can seriously start
thinking about getting this thing going. Obviously I don't even know if
the system disks are still good, let alone what sort of hardware faults
exist inside...
thanks for *any* help with this thing!!