Doug Yowza
>I don't remember if Intel actually filed suit to protect "486", for
>example, but they would have had to fight standard industry practice of
>using similar part numbers to indicate similar functionality. Something
>like "pentium" is much easier to protect, but you could probably open a
>Pentium Shoe Store and be on perfectly good legal ground.
I seem to remember a company called Gentium being forced by Intel to change
their name during 1995 as it sounded to similar to their own processor.
Gareth Knight
Amiga Interactive Guide | ICQ No. 24185856 | "Shine on your star"
Okay, so it's a little new for the list...
Next week I'm going to try and finally rebuild the 80386SL-based notebook
that's been a pet project for a while. Since I'll have it open, I thought
I might go ahead and install a math coprocessor. My only question is...
which one?
The 386SL was Intel's "notebook" CPU. Does it require a 387DX, 387SX, or
something else altogether? If it's the 387SX, can I use a Cyrix FastMath,
as I have a spare.
>But *free* to download from the web. To purchase IE *all by itself* costs
>money, too. They can't print books / cd's, etc. for free.
Yup. $5, I think.
>>Netscrape came with the program that I bought, and it was a stripped
>>that kept wanting me to sent $30 to Netscrape, and it stopped working
>>6 months (date stamped).
>Installed '98 lately?
That was the _first_ mistake...
It may be better than Win 95 (some say), but I don't like to run any OS that
crashes the demo computer at the launching of the software. No matter how
many "revisions" it has.
>Can you still get it? --- They had a version that was supposed to run on
>Linux, too. They almost got it out - 6 months or so behind schedule, then
>they scrapped it. Pi$$ed off some users with that one... Billy-bob doesn't
>care, tho.
No clue. It was back when OS/2 was one of the "good OS's that I didn't
have" - I was still running a Franklin 2000. When I got finally
PC-compatible, I was running Win 3.1. When I finally got OS/2, the
borrower's no where to be found. Figures!
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
>How is it then I got it for free off their site?
Not sure. Last time I tried to download it was about two years ago.
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
>Especially if you live in the boondocks (rural area for those not
>accustomed to the slang) where MSN doesn't have a dial-up number. Then it
>*automatically* dials 150 miles away - and doesn't tell you it's making a
>long-distance call.
>$300 (or more) phone bill later...
Not if you go into the IE4 directory and directly run the installation of
the browser, instead of running the MSN setup.
>Oh, and Opera is *not* free. IIRC, they want $35 to register it. IMHO, it's
>worth the money -- it's *very* fast, and doesn't seem to crash often. But -
>it's not free.
Similar to what Netscape does (last version I had did it). I think it is
better, though.
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
I've got an old CGA laptop. (1988 Zenith SupersPORT). The display is dark
blue on light blue. I was wondering if there's any software out there that
will reverse the video so that the text is light blue, and the background is
dark blue.
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
> From: Phil Clayton <handyman(a)>
> Subject: Re: Commodore Pet 2001
> Thanks Larry for all the information on the Pet,I feel like a kid on Christmas with my
> new find..
> Like I said in 1978 this is the very first computer that I got bug from.
> It was in a window of a High-tech Gadget type store with a great
> graphics demo running.
I have some of the original Commodore graphics demos (which they sold on
tape), there was the one with bar graphs and business stuff and another one
with like a mouse in a cage and star wars ships (not very exciting nowadays as
they were then), also one called mandala which is in ML and does a kalidescope effect.
> I inquired about it from the Clerk there who knew nothing
> about it. Nor did I, but it was pure Lust on my part with the thought of owning
> such an obviously powerful computer. When he told me the price of $599.00
My first view was from the cover of the October 1978 Popular Science:
The PET there was obviously one of the prototypes (note the rounded case, from
what I understand it was wooden, also note the cheap wood-grain contact paper
over the case. kinda looked neat though.)
> I know it would be some time before I could own it. So now only 21 years later
> I have one.
Yeah I think that sums it up for most of us classic computerists... (grin)
or better yet 'I have every computer that I wanted.'
> I will take look see if its the earliest version Basic or the upgraded one.
> > Now when it powers up if it reads:
> > you have the original classic (read 'bug-ridden') ROMs.if it reads:
> > you have the 'upgrade' (mostly bug fixed) ROMs.
> > The earlier units used butchered SANYO cassette players
> Mine has the the Sanyo Cassette with White keysAlso the border around the screen is blue
> not White or Black like some others I have seen..
> Does this indicate an earlier Pet ?
Yes it does; so far so good. (Never seen a white trim myself unless you are
referring of the plastic frames on the later plastic-cased PET models (there
was still a black trim around the picture tube though.)
In a message dated 28/12/98 16:03:08 GMT Standard Time, marvin(a)
> I suspect a virus, but my antivius software
> > didn't find one, but I don't really trust it. I only really trust it if
> it
> > find a virus...)
> One of the ways I use to check for a virus is to run CHKDSK and look at the
> total memory. For a number of viruses I have seen, the normal number of
> 655360 gets reduced to some other value.
Many stealth viruses can hide from virus checkers as well as not showing the
memory they occcupy as used. When you ran the scanner did you boot from a
_known_clean_ write protected floppy, this is essential for reliable scanning.
Also, you do not say what virus scanning software you are using bear in mind
that MS anti virus doesn't detect many common viruses.
Oh. I didin't know that. You've got one of the cassette models. Wanna
sell the M/B??
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
>I'm aware of that. Because mine did not come with ANY disk drives, it is
>also missing the drive mounting tower, drive PSU card, and controller.
>r. r e d @ b e a r s . o r g
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