On Feb 5, 2012, at 4:59 AM, jim s wrote:
I have a come into an opportunity which people here
might help with. The opportunity is a 75 to 100# box of Eproms. So far w/o any major
skimming yielded 2732's 2764's 27128's 27512's and the 1mb 27 series
(don't recall the # right now)>
I could certainly use a few of those.
Any ideas on what to do, what the chances are that
they will work? I don't have the means or time to do testing, though recent
discussion suggest there might be some cheap eprom programmer which might do that. I have
never blown up a prom from normal handling, w/o antistat but with the shear number of
parts here, the odds are that some are blown. I am handling these now with antistat, but
the prior situation is what it is.
I dunno, the 27xx parts (especially the non-C parts) are pretty tough. I've never
killed one, and I've put them through a lot of abuse (including plugging the power
supply in backwards on a ROM board; I could actually see the die glowing underneath the
Should I sort them by part, list them with a "if
it doesn't work I'll send you another", sell them as untested pull lots (I
will sort and tube them by type a and PN as my contribution to this project), or some
other way?
I'd buy a tube or two as an untested tube lot, if the price is right. Mixed or
otherwise. I've got uses for all the sizes you mentioned.
A cheap EPROM programmer should do the trick for testing them, but it would take ages (if
memory serves, the UV erase time for those is at least a few minutes). Otherwise, just
programming in a testable pattern (say, a PRBS) should be sufficient to see if
anything's obviously blown, though individual bit errors would probably be something
you'd want to leave up to the buyer.
I'm guessing 10000 or more parts, don't know
for now. also there could be other parts at lower layers, for now w/o pulling them and
risk physical or electrical damage all I see are eproms and some junk pals which will go
back into the stew for gold recycle.
Yeah, the PALs are OTP, so no use there. I'm interested in hearing what else you
find; feel free to ping me off list (I suspect there will be many more here along the same
- Dave