/> I ought to have pointed out that most times doing what i do wastes a
little time, and in fact it owuld heen fine just
to plug the board in and
power up. But this is amply compensted for by the time saved when thigns
go very wrong.
Yeah and when you've gone through all the steps, learned what all the chips
are for, plugged them in one by one and finally the whole thing does actually
work, the satisfaction is much bigger.
Be warned that if you ask me for troubleshooting help for a machine I
know well (and I get a fair number of such e-mails), even if I am darn
sure I know what the problem is, I will not tell you :-). I will talk you
though how to trace the fault. That way you learn something, and next
time you may be able ot work it all out for yourself. This is not because
I objsct to answering such questions, but because I would ratehr the
knowledge of how to diagnose faults was preserved. I am not goign to be
around for ever...
But anyway...
Do I conclude from this that the first byte read
--- in fact all bytes
read -- are always 0?
Exactly. And I just figured that they all are framing errors. Here's my test
program that should exit when it reads a byte that has no framing error:
LDAA #%00010000 ; like in jbug (8bit, np, 2stop, no divide)
STAA $8008 ; acia control reg
READ LDAA $8008 ; acia status reg
BCC READ ; branch unless data ready
BITA #%00001000 ; check framing error
BNE READ ; branch if framing error
As somebody elase said, I think you have to read the data regiater too. I
will check the 6850 data sheet if necessary.
I assume you have the manual for this evaluation kit. It's on bitsavers
if you don't. It explains how the cassette interface circuitry works in
some detail, and is well worth reading.
I asusme you intiialising the 6850 correctly, and that you're settign
that 4053 analoge switch properly,. If not, it can never work.
I assume this ACIA is a 6850. What does the data
input do when you play
the audio file? Where does the Rx Clock signal come from, and is it correct?
Yes, it's a 6850. I measured with a volt meter, I don't have a scope (yet).
I think you need soemthing mroe than a multimeter... A 'scope would be
useful, or even just a logic probe. A logic analyser would be my
instrument of choice here, but...
RxD and RxC are high when no audio and they both drop
to around 2V when audio is
supplied, so I guess there's at least some signal. Also RTS is low as it should.
Most voltmeters dispaly an average of the input voltage. Which means a
TTL level signal that's changing between 0 and 1 could well appear to be
Something weird that I don't understand is that simply adjusting the audio volume,
the apparent voltage measured on the RxD changes more or less proportionally...
this is supposed to be digital and FM ?
This could be one of 2 things. Either the mark-space ratio is changing
(and thus the average voltage level), or somehow the analogue signal
level is ending up on the ACIA pin. I assume the cassette interface
circuit (it's on the keyboard PCB IIRC) is getting power? CMOS chips will
power themselves from input signals via the protection diodes, and will
do very odd things...
Do you have a (real [1]) tape recorder? If so, try saving something.
Listen to the recording, does it sound like the typical 'burble'? And try
loading it. Point being if there's something wrong with how you're playing
the audio files you could have problems.
[1] Not a typo, I mean 'genuine' not reel-to-reel (necessarily).