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Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:38:28 +0100 (CET)
Groups: alt.sys.pdp11
From: Jeff Davis <jdaviscl2 at>
Org: NNTP Server
Subject: Ebay: pdp 11/34 + lots of stuff
Id: <Xns9A4BE64E9F5D4jdaviscl2soupwizardc at>
Just fyi, it's not my auction, but there's a pdp-11/34 in two racks, a tape
drive and large hard drives on ebay. Two days left, I figure somebody with
a big truck wants to save it.
I normally wouldn't post about an ebay auction, but this one doesn't
mention pdp-11 in the auction title and seems to have been overlooked.