On 12/22/2012 02:47 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
But, if you want to re-code the RO, then either
you have to find a way of
making the ROM i nthe R2D2 chip invisible to the processor (which is not
trivial, given that the address and data is transered serially over the
same line (ISA) and that this singal is needed fro the otehr sections of
R2D2) or you haev to somehow rebuild the functions of the RAM and display
driver. Then you have to interface an EPROM or sinmialr to the Nut bus,
this is essetially the same as making a ROM box or MLDL unit for an HP41.
And finally you have to fit it all in the case.
You know, I still find calculators darned handy, particularly when I'm
working on the system. My HP16C is never far from my mouse, so both are
within reach.
Well, I guess I am somethign of an HP calcualtor collector (although
nowhere near as serious about it as some), but I certainly _use_ them. My
16C lives on my electornics workbench. Alongside this PC keyboard I have
a 12C (I use it a 4-banger mostly, but at least it's RPN, albeit a
4-level stack version). I often use my 49G when doing metalwork, if only
to work out things like '1.5" - 3.2mm, and lets have the result in
inches', along with calcuating angles, amounts to mill off to convert a
circular bar into aregualr polygon of a given numebr of sides (e.g. when
making hexagonal spacers) and so on. I routinely use an HP71B (is that a
calculator) with HPIL and an HP82169 HPIB translator to test HPIB stuff.
And so on.
Quite simply tese machines do more things, and are easir to use, tan any
'app' o on a smartphone or whatever.
Nowadays, it should be pretty simple for one to take a
micropower MCU
such as a TI MSP430 series chip that also has an LCD interface on it and
It is. At the last HPCC conference one of the members (not me)
demonstrated some simple calcualtors he'd knocked up using A PIC and an
ARM microcotroller. Others around the world have done simialr things. The
only difficult part is writing the firmware, particualrly if you want it
to handle rounding erors properly.