Thanks for the os78 source site - thats awesome! How
does one normally get
these images onto a disk? I' not sure if the older PCs supported 8"FDD.
I would need something like Teledisk as well.
With earlier 8's which you can manually load code into I have dump
and restore programs you can use. On the VT78 their is no way I
know of to get code into it without a special ROM on the back. Some older
PC's controllers will work with 8" disks. I tried it so I could format
but never got it working before I got a drive that could format itself.
Don't know if its the PC or drive I was trying to use.
PUTR looks like it should work I have used
it for RX50 disks but not 8". I think the images I have are compatible
with it.
This may also work but I am not familiar with it.
If this doesn't seem practical email me, I can make you a disk. Won't
guarantee how prompt though.