What an incredible collection and thanks for taking the time to photograph
it. It was great fun going thru the slides. From the content my guess is u
were at least at some time at IBM SJ
I understand u have a collector for all of it, but if by chance he/she and
you have some original 3880 Storage Control manuals particularly for the
caching models (-11,13,21,23) I'd like copies if it can be arranged. If
they could be mailed to me I will scan them and provide originals and scans
back to the owner. Contact me off line if this can be arranged
It is disappointing about the CHM; although most of the materials are
duplicates of what they have I did see a few gems I suspect they don't have
-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk at
emailtoilet.com [mailto:cctalk at
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 12:34 AM
To: cctalk at
Subject: IBM junk
Collected stuff for over 10 years. Moving from 2300 sq. ft. to 1400. It
had to go. Praise the computer gods I found someone that wanted it all.
115 boxes of manuals and documents.
26 boxes of coffee mugs
73 703 boxes of stuff.
106 loose big items.
Filled the floor space of a 26' truck.
It can be viewed at
Best viewed on a PC with decent speed connection.
Sample stuff: 360 Mod 20 panel, mod 30 panel, mod 65 panel, s/3 panel. Disk
pack and HDA up the ying yang. 3850 data carts, 2321 data cell, 7340
Hypertape cartridge, a Russian equivalent, desktop chachki (tchotchke), 360
mod 70 desktop model used in 1964 World's Fair, etc, etc.