From this side of the pond the view is that your
President Bush is the most
corrupt in modern times - his well documented draft -
dodging only supports
that view. I have more faith in our Guardian/ Observer newspapers than any
of your organs run by the likes of Rupert Murdoch.
His Sun "newspaper" over here is the subject of much scorn.
If you want Bush , you have my sympathies.
Wait till the oil runs out ( the war in Iraq was about oil remember ? ),
you're gonna be in the piggies.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe R." <rigdonj(a)>
To: "Geoffrey Thomas" <geoffreythomas(a)>om>; "General
On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk(a)>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: I don't believe it!!! Jeanne
I read it. I'd heard that the Guardian was biased and now I have proof.
For example the article claims that a recount in Florida in 2000 gave the
election to Gore. That is simply untrue, there were literally dozens of
recounts done at different tiems and by different groups and agencies.
were also done under all different conditions (count
hanging chats, don't
count hanging chats, count military votes, don't count military votes,
count absentee ballots, don't count absentee votes, etc etc etc. Only ONE
recount at exactly one point in time and under optimal Democratic
conditions (such as not counting the absentee ballots) gave the majority
Gore. ALL of the other recounts gave the majority to
Bush. The LAST
recount was done weeks after the election and including ALL of the
and absentee ballots said that Bush won over Gore by
over 3200 votes.
That's not mentioned anywhere in the Guardian's report is it? They also
failed to mention that the Democratic party tried desperately to have ALL
of the military and absentee votes for Florida thrown out since they knew
that the military voted overwhelmly for Bush. My wife was working out of
state and one of those absentee ballots was her's so we paid a lot of
attention to what was going on here. Apparently a lot more than the
Gaurdian did. You need to find a less biased source of news!