On 11/11/07 22:18, "Jason T" <silent700 at gmail.com> wrote:
So I like early speech synthesis. I like DEC stuff.
I've got a
couple forms of the DECTalk boxes (the portable, the ISA card.) I'd
like the DTC-01 unit, the one that sort of looks like a VX2000
terminal. They come up on ebay every other week or so and end up
selling for well over $100.
Who's buying these things? Are they popular with collectors? Or are
they still being used in the disability care industry?
I used to do field service for the DEC stuff at Alcan in the UK, they were a
big DECtalk user so maybe they still are? I wouldn't mind one either but I'm
just biding my time and assuming one is going to fall out of the sky in
front of me :)
Also, didn't the DTC-01 use the same case as the VT240, DECmux, DEREP and
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