On 1/10/07, Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:
Apparently the ZIL interpreter from Infocom is based
on MDL.
There are numerous interviews with the original Implementors (founders
of Infocom) and articles in "The New Zork Times"/"Statusline", etc.
say that "based on" is in the loosest sense of the word. I can't
recall which of the articles describes all the MDL features they threw
out the window when going from MDL to ZIL, but in effect, I think it
would be more accurate to say that ZIL is patterned after MDL than
based on. Unfortunately, none of the ZIL environment survived the
move from MA to CA when Activision/Mediagenic shut down the Infocom
group in the early 90s(?). I once (prior to the release of "The Lost
Treasures of Infocom") had a line on getting access to some form of
Sun-based server with the remnants of the group's development
environment, but when it came down to discussions of the money
required to purchase a *non-exclusive* license to repackage and
republish the body of Infocom IP (a-la the aforementioned LToI), the
negotiations broke down when their counter-offer to my initial offer
was different by orders of magnitude.
After seeing how cheaply the books were put together for LToI when it
eventually came out, I kinda wished I'd been able to find enough
backing to do it myself, but, to be honest, my background is
development, not publishing, so I can't say that I would have been
able to do a better job without hiking the price well above where they
sold it at ($40-$60, IIRC).
I keep hoping that someday, a copy of ZIL will surface somewhere, but
so far, all I've seen is a tutorial that was given clearance to be
released of some sort of new Imp's ZIL survival guide (that has a
couple of blank/unfinished chapters, unfortunately). What's in there
is most illuminating, but tantalizingly aggravating at the same time.