I'm looking for a VT100 advanced video option board. Or, failing that,
if anyone has a .100 spacing, 50 pin dual row female connector so I can
makes one...
The circuit is really simple, it's just a plug-in board that gives the
VT100 some extra RAM so it can display 24 lines of text in 132 column
mode, and do some extra character attributes. I cooked up plans to build
my own based on the schematics in the printset (and using some newer
SRAMs), but when I actually pulled the logic board out of the terminal I
realized that the header connector it plugs into is a stupid spacing -
.1 instead of the usual .156.
Haven;'t you got that last part backwards? The common 2-row pin headers
are 0.1" pitch. IIRC the header for the Advanced Video Option is wider
spacing, quite possibly 0.156", but I would measure it before tying to
get something to fit (DEC also used 0.125" pitch connectors...)