So... having found some time to have a look at these beasties, I find that
overall I'm still as puzzled as before.
And one of these cases where documentation can be TOO old... My one
vintage HP catalog predates these CPUs by a couple of years. The catalog
only lists the HP2116.
I wandered through the card cages in both machines (fairly diverse
configurations) and the designations look like this:
Machine 1 Front card cage Rear card cage
DCPC 13037 Intf
Memory Protect Grd True In/Out
M.E.M. Grd True In/Out
64k HSM 12747H Microcircuit
64k HSM 12747H BACI 12966A
64k HSM 12747H 7970 Mag Tape 2
64k HSM 12747H 7970 Mag Tape 1
64k HSM 12747H Line Printer
64k HSM 12747H Time Base Gen
Mem Contr 2102E F.E.M.
Main Logic? (under chassis)
Machine 2 Front card cage Rear card cage
DCPC Jumper
Memory Protect I/O Buffer
M.E.M. 8 Chan Mux
Standard Memories Bus I/O
(256k memory) 1
Standard Memories 2
(256k memory) Disc Intf 2
256kw 12749H Disc Intf 1
256kw 12749H 3
Mem Contr 2102E 4
BACI 12966H
12821A Disc Intf
Time Base Gen
Main Logic? (under chassis)
(pictures are on the MiniComputers page at The Computer Garage)
Some of the cards are fairly obvious as to function, (memory, time base
gen, etc...) but some of the designations are a bit vague, and in any case
I still need to find docs on this critter and the cards.
The cards designated as 1,2,3, & 4 are all identical, and look like
multi-channel serial I/O cards. The only obvious designation are etched on
the card and read 5180-1953 and 668298. They are HP cards...
Any information on these critters would be greatly appreciated!
After the usual pre-launch checks, all of the (apparently) optional cards
were removed from the card cages and the units were powered up. Curiously,
they both act identically in that they seem to have some front panel
function, but the CPUs seem to be hung pretty hard.
No odd sounds or loss of magic smoke, so an initial suspicion is a
configuration error common to both units. The card cages only have
specific card notations on a couple of slots, so there is the obvious
question of proper card positioning. (no idea if the cages are a parallel
bus or not)
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