The MSDOS Hard Drive partition utility on the DEC
Rainbow gives you
two partitions( E and F.)
There's no choice, that's what you get. However neither E nor F are on
the boot list.
So the question is "How do I set the partitions to C and D and make C:
On a Rainbow, drives C and D always refer to the third and fourth floppy
drives. Your hard drive is set up properly right now. To boot from the
hard drive, you'll need to choose 'W' for Winchester hard drive at the
boot menu. If you are using a Rainbow 100-A, this option is not present
in the boot menu, and you're out of luck as far as booting to the hard
disk is concerned (I beleive). If you have a 100-B or 100+ (which is just
a B anyway), The W option should be present on the main menu. SImply
select W and another menu may or may not appear allowing you to choose
which partition to boot from.
You can quickly tell if you have a 100 A or B by either:
1. Looking at the model number on the back of the unit near the power
plug (PC-100-A is a Rainbow 100 A, PC-100-B or -B2 is obviously a Rainbow
100 B)
2. Looking at the firmware version on the boot menu ( Version 4.XX or
less is a Rainbow 100 A, Version 5.XX or higher is a 100 B).
Hope this helps!
jba at
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