The trift store that has the 5363 is closing down and now they're willing
to part with it. What should I offer for it? or what are they worth? I
doubt they have any docs or disks but apparently they have a terminal or
monitor on it and a keyboard cause some guy used to tinker with it.
At 02:31 PM 6/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
[What's 5363?]
That's an IBM System/36. Once you get in, it's a nice menuized thing, easy
to deal with. I have one, and I'm getting another.
SSP means System Support Product. I guess it's the O/S...
You will need a twinax terminal to use it. They're neat to have.
Especially if you get manuals and the SSP floppies...
As for the password, it took me 3 tries to get into mine.
Username BACKUP, password was PASS. Nice.
It can be reloaded from the SSP disks (I don't have these. Anyone got
to bypass the passwords...
Also, see if you can get the key that goes in the frontpanel. It's not
necessary to run the machine, but it lets you put the machine in Service
mode and you can make it do fun things like dump core.
I have bypassed this on my box by wiring the key permanently in the SERVICE
If you get it, I'd be glad to help run it...