In article <6e04c1f3cab1722f9f95f11dd2ffd9d8 at>,
Scott Quinn <compoobah at> writes:
There was, I believe, something that could be paired
with a CG9 in the
Sun-3/early Sun-4 days. Ah yes, here it is: the GP2 graphics processor.
VME based, with Weitek engines.
I think I have one of these GP2 things... its a separate pedestal
enclosure with a VME card that goes into the main Sun box. It was
reportedly a dog. I have the pedestal and guts but not the interface
card. I would love an interface card, if someone has one :-).
Then there was the Leo/ZX option for SBUS.
I seem to remember the "Leo" being talked about while I was at E&S.
Can't tell you anything about performance of
either of these two.
The GP2 reportedly sucked, compared to competitors at the time :-).
Can't say anything about the really off-topic
stuff for the current
The stuff I'm remembering is from the 1990-1995 period, so it would be
"apopros" vis-a-vis the 10 year rule, which isn't a rule, really more
a rule of thumb or a guideline, well not really a guideline, more like
a hint, well not really a hint, but whatever Jay says it is...
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download
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