Simon Fryer wrote:
Sorry for my density here, but,
a) is the fuse carrier damaged?
This isn't the AC fuse, but the blue plastic
automotive fuse that is in
series between the two cells in the battery pack.
b) is the spade connector on the end of the lead
Yep. It's quite corroded. I tried soaking it in Coke and something
else to clean off the corrosion, but it's still pretty ugly. I also
broke the spade on the fuse, but that should be a standard automotive fuse.
c) is the cable damaged?
Only to the extent that the crimped-on spade lug is nasty.
I would have thought that making an equivalent jumper would not have
posed any great difficulty.
I have a couple of heavy jumpers that have spades matching the battery
terminals, but the fuse lugs are wider and won't fit. The factory
jumpers have two different-sized lugs. I could probably just try the
local electronic store and see if they have lugs that match.
This UPS has an AC fuse in a holder on the back panel, and the 60 amp
fuse in between the two battery cells.
<sexist comment>
You are only as old as the woman you feel.
</sexist comment>
I designed sound for a play that used that phrase...
Paul Braun
Valparaiso, IN
"There's a fine line between stupid, and clever." - David St. Hubbins
"Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon
"The Fountain of Youth is a state of mind." - The Ides of March