Incidnetally, I believe the MINC backplane has the normal Q18 connections
and CD interconnect (certianly an RLV11, which uses CD interconenct
between its 2 boards will work in the CPU bay, but I think there's CD
interconnect between the MINC modules too, to cpmmect the analoge input
moduels to the ADC, the clock to the ADC (for sampling at a given time
interval) and so on/
modules are there? I have : ADC, DAC, clock, digital in,
digital out, DMM preamp (essentially V/mA/Ohms converters to feeed into
the ADC) and thermocouple preamp. I know there was an analogue mutiplexer
unit which I;ve not got. Any oters?
These are the ones I know about:
MNCBA The Chassis
MNCSE Slot Expander
Now that I;ve not seen. What is it?
MNCAD Analog/Digital Converter (16 channels)
Strictly a single-channel ADC (12 bit?) with a 16 inptu mux on the input
and the capability to connect other multiplexers to that input node.
MNCAA Digital/Analog Converter (4 channels)
That one is 4 separate DACs IIRC.
MNCAG Preamplifier (4 channels)
That's the DMM unit I was thinking of. It's quite useful. It includes a4
channel mux and doesn't use up any of the 16 ADC inputs.
Somebody is going to murder me, but about 5 years ago I was at an auction
and a MINC turned up. It contained quite a few modules, including the
MNCAG and the MNCTP, neither of which are common. It was the floppy disk
model (dRX02) on the trolley and it was a MINC-23. It sold for \pounds
2.00 (I am not kidding). Yes I was the winning bidder. I actually bought
it to get those 2 modules, but of course I've kept the whole thing.
MNCAM Analog Multiplexer (increases capacity of A/D by
16 channels)
MNCDI Digital Input (16 lines)
MNCDO Digital Output (16 lines)
MNCKW Real-Time Clock
MNCTP Thermocouple Preamplifier (8 channels)
There might be others that were released later.
Yes, thsoeare the ones I know about (apart form the slot expander).
Anyone know of any others?