So did we ever learn anything about VCF West 2009?
I had emailed Sellam a while back but haven't heard back.
In fact, when Sellam wanted someone to rescue that Microdata Reality
machine in Sandy, UT, I emailed him but didn't get a reply to that
either. Was the machine rescued? This was Sellam's original message:
Hi Richard and Everyone.
First, apologies to everyone to whom I'm currently obligated in some way.
Things have been hectic for me for quite some time. The economic collapse
has been particularly burdensome on my end, so I'm dealing with several
major issues. On top of that I broke my ankle in a fall a few weeks ago.
I just had minor surgery yesterday to remove some bone fragments. I'm
trying to take advantage of the situation as best I can to use the time to
catch up on things I've put off for too long.
Regarding the VCF (the main west coast event) it will PROBABLY be back
this year, as planned. I say PROBABLY in caps because I'm of the economic
school of theory that says we are not coming out of this one as we went
in, so I don't know what to expect by the time the VCF usually rolls
around. All I can promise is to just wait for the announcement if
there's a feasible possibility of pulling off an event.
As you all know, there was no VCF (west) in 2008. Perhaps a (brief)
explanation is in order. In 2007, at the milestone capping VCF X event, I
had made it clear to anyone who asked that I was planning to take a break
from the VCF for 2008. Things were getting tougher and
I knew that an
economic collapse was coming. I also was very worn out from ten
years of
producing the VCF (not to mention my normal work) and looked forward to a
year without the slow build of pressure that occurs in the lead up to each
VCF event. Every year it became harder and harder to get going on the
event, and so I knew a break was needed. And of course, right on schedule
the economy collapsed. The VCF would have been right in the middle of it,
so my prescience was vindicated.
Do know that the regional events are all still on schedule, including a
new South event in Irving, Texas tomorrow:
This is a "VCF Lite", not a full-blown event, but Gil Carrick (the
organizer) will be expanding it to a full VCF event next year.
VCF Europa 10.0 is on schedule for May 1-3 (a 3-day event!) in Munich,
VCF Midwest in its new Chicago location is on track, but no announcement
has been made yet.
And VCF East has been scheduled for September 12-13 at the usual location
in Wall, NJ (InfoAge Science Center).
As far as the Microdata Reality, I have no good excuse for not having
gotten back to the folks who inquired, other than laziness and a sense of
being overwhelmed. I just sent out respones to those who inquiried, so
thanks for the nudge.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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