On 2014-03-28 18:47, Josh Dersch wrote:
Hey all --
As I'm in the process of moving stuff out of storage and into my new
spacious(*) basement, I keep finding new projects and getting
immediately sidetracked by them :). I dug out a Motorola Exormacs (68K
development platform) machine that needed a good scrubbing and it's up
and running again (mostly -- I have no disk hardware). This has a
number of EPROMs in it and I'm curious if these have been archived
anywhere. A cursory glance at the 'net hasn't revealed anything but
before I go through the process of dumping all of these (and there are a
lot) I figured I'd check here.
For the record, these are what I have:
- 68K Debug Board - MACSbug 2.6 (6 2716s)
- 68K MPU board - 2 2716s
- Universal Intelligent Peripheral Controller - 7 2716s
- Multi-Channel Communications Module - 5 2716s
Just in case you will read out the EPROMs, I would be interested in the
In case you like to get rid of the EXORmacs ...