AFAIK there is no difference. But then I've only been working with
the Unibus versions.
TTFN - Guy
On Apr 1, 2009, at 8:46 PM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
Hi, All,
I'm going through a box of DEC boards and I found a DELQA, probably my
only one, and in the box is a cab kit with "DEQNA" stenciled below the
AUI connector (DEC P/N 7-21202-1K). Will it work or do I need a
DELQA-specific cable?
I have very little Qbus Ethernet experience, or Unibus Ethernet
experience... or for that matter, VAXBI Ethernet experience - in fact,
the only DEC machines I've ever worked with that _had_ Ethernet were
desktop/busless systems (uVAX 2000, MIPS machines...) Any and all
advice or suggestions welcome.
I remember that there was a driver issue/VMS version issue between
DEQNAs and DELQAs (and DESQAs?) but since I never had to set any of
them up when they were new, the details have eluded my memory.