Rumor has it that Zane H. Healy may have mentioned these words:
Mine are in whatever format Eudora uses with "Old
Style" TOC files.
TOC files are just "Table of Contents" files - extra personal settings,
like labels, etc. The actual mail is stored in the .mbx files - gosh,
rather looks like it might mean "mbox" maybe?
;-) ;-)
Altho the first line (the "From _person_ _date_ _etc_" line) is a little
different (The envelope sender is always "???@???" & whatnot) they're
standard mbox and can be transferred to & read by any (well, any that I've
used, anyway) *nix mailreader that can handle mbox... Well, just be wary of
the ^M floating around; dos2unix or tr/// can help here. I use mutt,
myself; it ignores them fairly well.
And... Rumor has it that John Robertson may have mentioned these words:
The biggest problem I have with the list is the sheer
volume of messages.
My mail reader is Eudora and I do wish it could treat this list the same
way that Agent or Unison treats newsgroup messages - threads sorted by
dates. Or is there a way that I am missing buried in Eudora?
Overall, so do I, as it seems even Thunderchicken still can't do that -
it'll thread, but it won't reshuffle old threads with new messages to the
top/bottom of the stack; at least as far as I've seen.
Eudora does have a handy little keyboard trick with the [alt] key: If you
hold [alt] and click on a name in the From: column, it will go grab all of
the mail in that folder from that person (well, with the exact same From:
header, anyway) and stack them (highlighted) right where you clicked
without reshuffling the rest of the pack. Makes it easy to say "Boy, that
'Merch' guy is a twit. I'll get rid of everything he's ever sent. [alt]
click on my name, and hit the delete key. All my blathering is now in the
trash. ;-)
It works the same for subject, so it'll "almost, kinda, maybe" thread stuff
- except when someone changes the subject line, or if the RE: Fw: RE: FWD:
RE[2]: stuff gets all wonky Eudora can't track thru it all.... Not perfect,
but it's still pretty handy.
Eudora is still tops with filtering - tho Thunderchicken is getting closer,
finally... ;-) This is with Eudora 5.1, BTW.
Speaking of mail - qmail 1.0 just turned 10 years old! It's not "kewl" so
it's still offtopic (most everyone's running 1.03 anyway -- gosh - 3 minor
updates in a decade! Why can't Microsoft do that??? ;-) but just one of
those little interesting (to me) datapoints...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | "Profile, don't speculate."
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers | Daniel J. Bernstein
zmerch at |