Lot n? 2028
Lot of the following: 6-6in Wafer Loader Conversion Kits - Type 3: 3-6in
Wafer Loader Conversion Kits - Type 2, 7-Digital - VAX Workstation systems,
most with peripherals (visual controllers, monitors, keyboards, printers,
cables), 5- 9.1GB SCSI Hard Drives: All items 10 year old condition good
working condition when removed from tools 2 years ago. (palletized and ready
for loading)
(location : Corvallis, OR).
Paris, France.
Its the wafer equipment that's driving the price, not the VAXes. You
can always contact the seller directly and ask if the vaxes can be
listed separately.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download
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