A local guy Abraham Barker has some 68000 chips for sale:
68000 16/32-bit CISC microprocessor:
1x MC68000P8 (Motorola Plastic...)
2x MC68000L8 (Motorola Ceramic)
1x MC68000P10 (Motorola Plastic)
3x MC68000L10 (Motorola Ceramic)
4x MC68000L12 (Motorola Ceramic)
1x SCN68000 CAI64 B (Signetics Ceramic gold plated leads)
16x16 Parallel Multiplier-Accumulator:
1x TDC 1010J (TRW Ceramic/Aluminium gold plated)
3x 1010J1C (TRW Ceramic/Aluminium gold plated)
2x WLT1010 JC (Weitek Ceramic gold plated)
16x16 Parallel Multiplier:
1x MPY 016H (TRW Ceramic/Aluminium gold plated)
1x 016HJ1C (TRW Ceramic/Aluminium gold plated)
He didn't post what he was asking for them, but I will pass it along
when I know. He was going to list them on ebay in a few days, but I
thought someone here might be interested in a first crack. Email me
and I will forward any messages to him and he can reply to you
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