From: Nick Challoner
On 1 Jul 97 at 22:45, e.tedeschi wrote:
I would
be most interested in hearing peoples' views on where the
Bletchley Park computer (i can't remember its name)
Colossus I ?
Yes! that was it. Thanks Enrico.
It was just called Colossus at the time (they ended up building 10 of
them). They're rebuilding one at Bletchley Park.
Now back to the main question in my
post: where does this fit in to the timeline of early computers?
The following are arguable....
Colossus (1944) was probably the first electronic computer.
ENIAC (1946) was probably the first general-purpose electronic computer,
while Colossus was built strictly to break a German cipher.
Manchester/Harvard Mark 1 (1948) was probably first electronic
stored-program computer.
(ENIAC, though built in '46, was made stored-program in 1948,
complicating matters somewhat)
EDSAC (1949) is sometimes called the first full-scale operational
stored-program computer.
UNIVAC 1 (1952) was probably the first commercial computer.
I haven't been able to find any citations of the first all-solid-state