Thanks for the info... sounds like a fun project!
s shumnaker
back to lurking now
Ethan Dicks wrote:
On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 01:05:32PM -0400, Steve
Shumaker wrote:
A question for the list at large: I've an
opportunity to acquire a
Decmate - apparently a Decmate I - with terminal, keyboard ("missing a
couple keys") and "drives". Unit "boots, but not sure what else it
does" according to the owner. Photo shows a VT100 w/kybr on top of a
large housing that apparently houses the drives. Owner agreed to $50..
Sounds like a good price - the keyboard is a standard VT100 keyboard,
possibly one with WPS keycaps. Electrically, though, it's standard.
You might be able to get someone to send you the missing caps, or even
an entire keyboard inexpensively.
The "VT100" _is_ the CPU... or rather, the CPU (and possibly some I/O
cards) is mounted inside a VT100 shell, next to the CRT.
Online info seems to indicate it's an early
Dec PDP8 based word
processor but little else seems available to a cursory search (haven't
hit bitsavers yet)
It was sold as a word processor, but it's an IM6120-microprocessor-based
PDP-8. You should be able to run OS/278 on it, a slightly modified version
of OS/8 (the console device (03/04) behaves slightly different on the
DECmates than on a "real" PDP-8, so there are a few minor changes to the
console handler).
Worth saving? collectible? I've not
delved into DEC before - is this
a place to start?
Personally, I think it's worth saving and a collectable. I have a DECmate I
with only one set of drives in the pedestal that I'd love to expand to two
sets of drives (you can dismantle a rack-mount RX02 and install it in the
pedestal, but there's some internal cabling to add to get the signals out
and in the correct mechanical format), and I'd really love to run across the
RL278 interface and hang an RL02 off of mine. My DECmate I does have one
interesting, and I think rare, feature - a side desk - there's a clip that
mounts on the pedestal where the keyboard tray normally hangs. It's at
the right height for a special desktop that only has one side panel. You
turn the pedestal so the drives face you, mount the clip, then mount the
desktop to the clip. I've been using mine for a computer desk for over
15 years (since I found the desk part and the clip at the local university
I've only ever run WPS on my DECmate I, but when I get home, one of my
projects is going to be to go through my boxes of DEC floppies and image
what I can. IIRC, if you have an OS/278 boot disk already, the DECmate I
should make a nice platform for making and sending floppy images over the
serial port to a nearby PeeCee. It's a lot more portable than my -8/a
or my -8/e, making it easier to bring the computer to the floppies than
vice-versa (I happen to have a MINC-11 with a desk-top-packaged RX02
within cable-reach of my floppy storage, so it's doubly convenient).
If someone local to me offered me a DECmate I for $50, keyboard or none,
I'd drop what I was doing and get in my car. It's a nice compact package
and probably a little less common these days than a DECmate II or III
(which are similar internally, with the largest functional difference
being RX02s vs RX50s, though it's _possible_ to hook RX02s to a DECmate II
if you have the rare interface do to so).