Fred Cisin wrote:
On Thu, 21 May 2009, William Donzelli wrote:
> Microsoft bashing stopped being funny about
10 years ago.
. . . but they keep creating more stuff to bash!
Nevertheless, traffic on this list should stick to bashing only VINTAGE
Microsoft product. The Microsoft cordless phone should qualify soon.
Egad. That's a memory best left repressed...
I like your idea of bashing old Microsoft products. By way of example, Microsoft BASIC
was so poorly written that GOTO and GOSUB statements all started their scan for line
numbers from the top of the program. To me, it seems VERY simple to say "If the line
number to jump to is HIGHER than the current line number, start from here, otherwise start
from the beginning. Would have saved unknown trillions of clock cycles. AFAIK, they
NEVER fixed that little "oopsie." Back in CP/M days, with 8080s at 2 mHz, in an
interpreted language, cycles were so precious that people wrote all their most frequently
called subroutines at the beginning, and jumped around them. Also, comments took time to
ignore in each loop, so were generally stripped out. The combination made the code nearly
write-only. Ick.
Gordon Eubanks, author of BASIC-E and CBASIC, wrote a much better program. It compiled to
an intermediate file, a rather efficient coding, meaning that comments caused no delay to
the code, and references were set at compile time. Also, BASIC-E was public domain, and
CBASIC was only $150, while Microsoft BASIC was $450. Managers often bought software back
then, and when they saw the two, the comment was generally "We can't afford to
scrimp, get the expensive one." I told Gordon he'd probably be way richer if he
had on priced CBASIC at three times the price he chose. He agreed, but didn't look
too happy. Of course, we were in his excellent living room, looking over the Pacific
Palisades on Oahu, Hawaii, so it's not like he was hurting, but still.
Of course, if quality were the deciding factor, the Processor Technology Sol computer
would have ruled until the IBM PC gave it a run for its money... But, sadly, quality of
the product is somewhere around the fifth or sixth most important factor for the success
of a tech company. Coming from the engineering side, I always rooted for the outrageously
well designed products, such as the HPs until recently. It just left me continually in a
vaguely disappointed state of mind.