Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 10:04 PM
-0600 11/25/07, Jay West wrote:
Does anyone know the title of the binders?
I'm not up for going downstairs and writing the titles down just now.
But there's about 13 of them, I'd guess the line of manual binders is
perhaps 3 feet long.
Jerome Fine replies:
I just measured the length: 2 feet 5 1/2 inches - a very good estimate.
Without the binders, just the paper is about half that, but almost all pages
are double sided, so the total number of pages to scan is double to number
of sheets of paper (obviously).
I have a PDP-11/03 w/RT-11 and it included just a few
binders, so I
didn't think the doc set was that large.
That would not be a complete documentation set.
Good grief, that is a lot larger than any doc set I've ever seen for
RT-11. I had V3, V4 (both donated to the Library), and still have
5.0x (I think 5.04). I'd be interested in knowing the titles as well.
I believe that V05.05 had fewer binders since the Software Support Manual
had not been split. There were several a/b sets as well. For V05.06:
1. Guide to Documentation / System Release Notes / Master Index
2. Introduction to RT-11
3. Automatic Installation Guide / Installation Guide / System Generation
4. Commands Manual
5a. System Utilities Manual Part I
5b. Systems Utilities manual Part II
6. Keypad Editor User's Guide / IND Control Files Manual
7. System Messages Manual
8. System Macro Library Manual
9. System Subroutine Library Manual
10. Volume and File Formats Manual / System Internals Manual
11. Device Handlers Manual / DBG-11 Symbolic Debugger User's Guide
12. Macro-11 Language Reference Manual
Any other questions?
Of course, there is NO documentation for the extra files included in the
V05.07 binary distribution. And TECO was dropped from the binary
distribution after V05.00, so that manual has been dropped as well
starting with V05.01 of RT-11.
And the layered products are another set of manuals, so a total set of
RT-11 DOCs will probably be well over 4 feet. Included would be
and C. Can anyone name any other layered products produced by DEC
(I seem to remember that PASCAL was not produced by DEC)?
And then there are the DOCs for TSX-PLUS, but less than 6 inches.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
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