On Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 05:33:59PM -0700, Seth Morabito wrote:
Hey folks,
I'd like to get some advice on getting a general-purpose (E)PROM
burner. I've never burned a PROM in my life, but as I get more into
digital design and home-brewing logic, I'm finding myself wishing I
had access to a burner. I am a helpless newbie on this front, so
perhaps someone can show me the light.
Gosh those are easy to write with a SBC. If you had a KIM/AIM
or even an Apple ][ lying about. The big commercial ones (e.g. dataio)
are pretty pricey but can burn everything.
http://www.atarimagazines.com/v4n8/EPROMBurner.html 1985!
I'd ideally like to be able to dump and burn
of various flavors. Bonus points would be GAL and CPLD programming
Shouldn't be hard to find a commercial one.
And yes, just to prove that this is more or less on topic: I have
been given a box of early 80s EPROMs I would like to try to get dumps
I do hope the windows were well sealed, they self erase from uv
especially from fluorescents. You may well have a lot of bitrot.
- Diane
- db at
FreeBSD.org db at
db.net http://www.db.net/~db