On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 19:10 -0500, Ken Seefried wrote:
Perhaps more insidious is I've noticed an
increasing amount of non-sense
spam with no discernible (to me) purpose (no links or dead links, no message
or hook) other than to poison Bayesian corpus (corpi?). This does not bode
Indeed. Spam is so irritating sometimes that I seriously wonder who
would be paying to DO that to potential clients. Seeing a million
stupid ads, okay, I don't LIKE it, but I UNDERSTAND it. A good deal of
it just seems to be attempting to get around spam filters, with no other
purpose. After some piece of drek that keeps popping open new windows
until I can choke it, it is NOT a question of whether or not I will buy
something from them; clearly I will NEVER buy from them. The question
is whether or not it is worth launching a denial of service attack
against their server. So far, laziness wins, although not by much in a
couple of cases. Perhaps a death penalty for excessive and annoying
spam? It might not deter new spammers, but it sure would cut down on
repeat offenders.
Warren E. Wolfe
wizard at