don't confuse "rare" with "more historic". "Rare" just
"fewer". If the people at Tandy produced a limited-edition TRS-80,
and the only difference was it had a yellow polka-dot case design,
and only 100 were ever made, does that mean it's more "rare" than a
Straight-8? Technically, yes! Does that make it more historic?
It's too dumb a question to even ask.
(I'm not putting down the PERQ systems, etc.; those are certainly
historic in their own regard.)
And yes, DEC isn't as popular as Apple; there won't be millions of
DEC fanboys and stuff ......
But it's hard to argue that the Straight-8 isn't one of the most *
historic * systems ever made, re: historic = grand context and
importance to the history of the computer industry. Rarity is a big
factor too, but the '8 has it all. Historic, rare, desirable.
are you watching this transaction with utter fascination, or driving
up the price ? ( insert smiley )
LOL .... for the purpose of * acquiring * systems, we all want prices to
go * down *, right? But for the purpose of our personal (and in my
case, museum) collections, we want prices to go up. Quite a dilemma.
Of course, I want to see Sellam be successful and make lots of money in
this field. The success of VintageTech directly helps improve the VCF
events, which helps popularize our hobby, and helps my own group be
successful too.