It will be ground up for gold scrap by 99.99% of the buyers. Sad ending
to a nice system. I think they are some sort of modified 370
architecture internally. This is the beast that did all the comms in /
out of mainframes before they started to use the RT type technology,
then later the P390's.
I know that oversimplifies the progression, but is basically the
story. I'd love to have one to play with, but the size makes it pretty
prohibitive to think about (not to mention power, etc.)
I would think I could run it on an R390 with the right OS as well, not
sure. I know the P/390 and R/390 channels will run tape and 3174
channel attached, but not sure about whether the channels would run a
3745 or not.
On 3/29/2012 2:41 PM, Sam Onella wrote:
There's also another huge
beast,tx/auction/view?auc=682194 which they're
describing as "FRONT END PROCESSOR ~ WORN Make:IBM Model:3745 Serial
Num:0000061". While it's certainly impressive in mass, from what I can tell