On Monday 27 February 2006 00:06, a.carlini at
ntlworld.com wrote:
Lyle Bickley wrote:
If someone has a copy of the RT-11, "PDP-11
FORTRAN-77 User Manual"
I'd like to borrow it to make a copy (and lend it to Al Kossow to put
it up on
bitsavers.org). Version 5.x would be perfect. I'll be glad
to pay for shipping both "ways".
If you have a PDF of the manual that would be even better. Please let
me know where I can download it - or I'll give you a private FTP
address to upload it.
Al already has:
AA-V193A-TK "PDP-11 FORTRAN-77 Language Reference Manual"
I downloaded that from bitsavers long ago. The RT-11, "PDP-11 FORTRAN 77 User
Guide" is a totally different manual. It describes how to USE the features of
FORTRAN-77, parameters, performance, virtual environments, etc. - not the
FORTRAN 77 language (the language manual is essentially OS independent).
I do have the RSTS/E, RSX and IAS FORTRAN User Guide - but the RT-11 Guide is
Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
Mountain View, CA
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"