On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Alexandre Souza - Listas
<pu1bzz.listas at gmail.com> wrote:
And no, I don't know how to use Outlook or
Word or... But having
sent/received e-mail for the last 25 years, having writtne several quite
long docuemants on other text processing systems i am darn sure I could
use said programs after reading the manuals.
? In the corporate world, there is no place for learners. Although I believe
The very nature of a job in the museum world dealing with old machines
requires a learning ability
and more importantly relearning old skills as befitting a machine of its age.
Its one of the reasons for my personal library. After 40 years
volunteering in various museums and archives I know this "learning" is
continuous and required.
I can learn and operate faster a program than any
(insert expletive here,
I'm in a [expletive again] bad day), it is difficult for an (insert
expletive here) HR understand that.
? (insert expletive here. yep, again.)
? Alexandre (in a [insert expletive again, you know the drill] bad day)
Dave Caroline