-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] Namens Pete Lancashire
Verzonden: zondag 24 januari 2016 5:37
Aan: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Onderwerp: Re: HP 9000/382 Questions
Some pictures of the inside of 382 #1
Sadly no HD to boot
I will try to bring home the other two.
The VGA is IIRC SOG (Sync On Green) not all monitors support this.
If you have a HP-IB/GP-IB interface for a PC you can use Ansgars HPDrive to boot.
It's found at
www.hp9845.net .
Also the drives used in the 9000/38X series are single ended scsi of external Fast HP-IB.
If you download the HP Basic 51. or 6.2 from the HP Computer Museum website you can boot
of a the internal floppy drive and at least you know if the basics work.
Even without a keyboard this should boot and come to the start screen.