On Thu, 1 Nov 2007, Tony Duell wrote:
drilling a hole down the middle
a left handed drillbit is significantly better than a conventional one,
since it will be tending towards loosening, not tightening.
Reminds me of the first time I took a 5.25" full-height floppy apart. I
tried to undo the screw in the centre of the direct-drive motor's rotor,
it wouldn't move, and in the end the head twisted off. I took the rest of
the driv apart, and then started to drill out the remains of that screw.
It came out as I was drilling. You guessed it, it was a LH thread, that's
why I'd twided the head off. I _think_ I just re-tapped the hole for a
slightly larger RH screw and put the thing hack together. It's still
working. Now, of course, I know to check for that before shearing the
head off the screw.