On 09/26/11 09:32, Liam Proven wrote:
Apart from Lawrence, who AIUI is a former user - as he just gave me a
pile of OS/2 boxes yesterday :?) - are there any other OS/2 users on
the list? Or are there any active OS/2 mailing lists still around?
There are several as well as the comp.os.os2.misc group on usenet.
OS/2 User is still fairly active
There is a very active OS/2 UK list but you have to send an email to
? ? ? ?os2-uk-request at os2.org.uk
with following in body
? ?subscribe os2-uk
Aussies also have a fairly active list
There is a detailed list of OS/2 and eCS related mailing lists at
http://www.os2voice.org/mailinglists.html but it hasn't been updated in a
long time so many may be dead lists.
Finally there are ecomstation news groups on their own server
(news.ecomstation.nl) including one for running OS/2 or eCS in a VM
I am wondering if I can get a copy of the subscription-only last
couple of fixpacks for Warp 4 anywhere. I believe there were entirely
discontinued around 2007, so I really doubt that IBM cares any more!
There is FP 16, 17 and 18. ?All were only available on IBM's Software Choice
which is long ago defunct. ?I never subscribed to SWC so I never got these.
?Last W4 FP I have is FP15 which you can get at
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 ? Cell: +44 7939-087884 ? Fax: + 44 870-9151419
AIM/Yahoo/Skype: liamproven ? MSN: lproven at