Adrian Graham wrote:
On 1/11/06 17:54, "Jules Richardson"
<julesrichardsonuk at> wrote:
Sadly it went to landfill about 5 years ago
(although I did try to get rid of
it on here first!). On a brighter note I've since stumbled across an identical
machine at Bletchley though - although I've not yet seen any software or
manuals for that one either!
Hahahaha, would that be the Advance86 I've just posted about? :D
heh heh :) I thought it funny that you mentioned Ferranti too. But no, this
was a much larger machine in a white metal case - it's not one I've ever seen
mentioned in any text about Ferranti before.
I'd wondered if the white machine was some weird forerunner, but if the text
on is right then the Advance 86 developed out of a much
smaller home machine and retained the original board alongside a newer
expansion board - the white-cased Ferranti's innards look much more as though
they were designed for the purpose.
Anyone got images of the Advance 86's internals just so I can be sure? I'd
probably remember enough to know if there was shared circuitry if I saw some