I want to express my thanks to the list, especially Mike Alexander, Tony
Duell, Richard (Direct 3D Graphics Pipeline), and Rod Smallwood for
hints about getting the LA36 with the Selanar Graphics controller
The two missing dots on printing were due to failed solenoids in the
printhead. The drivers were doing what they should, but, the solenoids
weren't firing. Checking the resistance of the solenoids showed them to
have much lower resistance than the other solenoids. Fortunately I
have a spare printhead from a scrap Tektronix-badged LA35 (Tek 4641), so
I pulled and tested it, and all seven solenoids fire (thanks, Tony, for
the bench test procedure) properly. I put this printhead in the LA36,
following the printhead replacement procedure in the maintenance manual
(thanks, Mike for the leads on finding scans), so that it was properly
aligned. I double-checked everything and powered it up, and behold --
fully formed characters! The graphics from the Selanar board also look
much better (done by hand-typing in graphics commands with the terminal
in local mode). Thanks to Rod for the pointer to the Byte Magazine
article on the Graphics II board, which had some of the command set in
The next step is figuring out how to talk to this thing through RS-232
serial. The Selanar board has a DB-25F connector on it that I assume
is RS-232. There is also a current loop interface on the board, using
the same pinout as the original DEC controller board. I can tell
because there is a cable that was plugged into this connector that has a
DEC-style mate-n-lock connector on the end for connecting to the current
loop interface on some DEC machine. There are a lot of jumpers on the
Selanar board, and I'm wondering if they configure whether the serial
interface is current loop or RS-232 on the DB-25. Without docs on the
Selanar Graphics II board, knowing how to set them is going to be a
I think it's just going to be a matter of scoping out signals and
figuring out which interface is active, then using whichever is. I am
assuming its likely be the current loop because of the cable already
being there. If so, I'll have to build/buy a current loop to RS-232
converter if that is the case, but that isn't that big of a deal.
Still would like to find anyone that might have a manual for the Selanar
Graphics II board for the LA-36.
Rick Bensene