Word has been around for almost 30 years so there is no reason why
anyone should complain about its use, its also one of the easiest
There is every reason to complain about its use if it doesn't do the job
I want, or if it is inferior to other programs for what I want to do.
I much prefer the idea of a separate editor and formatter, the latter
taking in a file contianing pritable characters only. For me this has
many advantages, among them :
I can produce the input file on any comnputer I own. If I want to type up
a paragrph 'on the move' I can do os on an old HP palmtop.
More usefully, it doesn't have to be me, or indeed a person, that
produces that input file. I can trivially write a program in any language
to output a suitable file. Which means, for example, I can write a
program to analyse the contents of a look-up table ROM and have the
output of said program as a LaTeX file with the right formatting commands
in it. To me this is _very_ useful. It also means that as that file is
included inthe text at the formatting stage, a slip with the editor can't
change it, so I can't accidentally change one of the numbers in the table.
Since the formatting comamnds are just strings of text, I can trivially
ensure that that 2 tables (or wahtever) are formatted identically. This
is much hareder to do with any what-you-see-is-all-you-get program
And of course I can process a plain text file with any number of other
It's odd, but I find it a lot easier to get the results I want in
TeX/LaTeX than my Word-using friends do with Word.