-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org [mailto:cctalk-
bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Mark Longridge
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 1:39 AM
To: cctalk at
Subject: transfering files to Unix version 6
Hi folks,
In my quest to find earlier versions of APL\11 I have come across something
called yale-apl, which is most likely from the Unix version
6 era. I can run Unix v6 under simh but I am at a loss on how to transfer
binary or even text files into it. I have been able to transfer files from a Unix
v7 without difficulty but v6 seems to be quite different. There is no tar utility
in v6.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Yup: use PUTR with virtual media that can be mounted on your SIMH machine. I've found
it works best if you ATtach the media and initialize it in SIMH, then detach it from SIMH
and mount the media in PUTR. -- Ian