On 10/31/2012 02:27 PM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
Ah, yes. That, BTW, is an original Mendel knock-off, not a Prusa
knock-off (major difference is original has one Z motor and an
undercarraige belt system, the Prusa has two Z motors). Yes, that's
an older extruder design, but it should get you started to the point
of being able to print a better one (or you can purchase a newer
extruder if you want to sink money vs time into it).
Heh. That was "the new extruder" when I bought the setup a little
over a year ago. ;)
The original Mendel was designed to print with PLA, so
no heated bed.
ABS (or full 8" PLA parts) will require a heated bed. MakerBot just
switched from ABS to PLA as their primary material. RepRappers have
been using both all along, depending on personal preference and costs
and especially bed design.
I have a spool of ABS. I should get going on a heated bed.
If you can get some firmware on the main board and at
least get it to
dance around without heat or a filament, you are most of the way
there. I'd recommend getting everything working up to the point of
installing the extruder on the X sled and deciding if you want to
spend time or spend money on the final steps.
I'm already to that point. I have some slippage on one of the Z-axis
gears, but otherwise all axes function under program control.
I cannot make specific firmware or application
suggestions from
experience. You are further in your Mendel build than I am with mine.
I have much more experience with MakerBot products/tools. We do have
a monthly 3D printer meetup in Columbus, but it's 3.5 hrs from you and
runs from 19:00-22:00 - not a great time for such a long commute. We
get people dropping in from around the state, but 1.5 hrs is about the
max range.
I drive that distance at the drop of a hat. ;) Maybe when it's "final
tune-up" time I'll head out for that.
ObOnTopic: anyone draft up an STL file for DEC toggle
switch paddles
yet? I'm willing to give a go at printing some but I'm not a skilled
CAD operator/designer.
Oh that'd be nice! And those brackets that the blank rack covers snap
onto, that the nipples are always breaking off of.
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA