F511-0285 / Text Processing - Disk 1
On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Mark J. Blair <nf6x at nf6x.net> wrote:
On Jul 24, 2014, at 09:46 , Todd Goodman <tsg at bonedaddy.net> wrote:
I just got a number of Perkin-Elmer machines from
a recycler. The
cabinet is about the size of an IBM 5170. I also received monitors and
external drive cases with two 5 1/4" floppies and an ST-412 hard drive
in them. They were in a big console that looked like the bridge on the
I'd love to see pictures of those. Do you think you got enough pieces to make
something work?
I don't have the console (which sounds cool!) but I do have the
workstation version...
The screen has some input buttons on the bezel that applications can
render status-line text above for menu navigation.
I checked my media shelf... I have original media that I ought to
image. Looks like add-ons.
Box labelled "PERKIN ELMER / Series 7000 : Uniplus + System III / Text
Processing Extension"
Contents: 13 5.25" Dysan floppies w/hand written date 5/30/84
F511-0282 / Text Processing - Disk 1
F511-0283 / Text Processing - Disk 2
F511-0284 / Text Processing - Disk 3
F511-0285 / Spelling - Disk 1
F511-0286 / Spelling - Disk 2
F511-0287 / Spelling - Disk 3
F511-0288 / Manuals - Disk 1
F511-0289 / Manuals - Disk 2
F511-0290 / Manuals - Disk 3
F511-0291 / Manuals - Disk 4
F511-0292 / Manuals - Disk 5
(no F511-0293)
F511-0294 / SCCS DIsk 1
F511-0295 / SCCS DIsk 2
Blank box
Contents: 2 3M 5.25" diskettes, dated 12/10/84 w/license contract #
1of2 Uniplus System III - MPSC Driver Kit
2of2 Uniplus System III - MPSC Driver Kit
No idea where the OS install disks might be. They aren't in the
documentation binders or in these two library cases.