At 09:28 PM 2/4/99 +0000, you wrote:
are quite
adequate. Screens are about 72dpi, my Sony Mavica FD-71 is
640x480 (or a little over 100dpi for a 4x6 photo).
Digital cameras are not cheap enough to be worth buying just to stick
pictures on the web. For the same cost I could probably get a second-hand
'classic' camera, and have a lot of fun restoring it, and then take some
real pictures.
Sony Mavica: $660
Take picture, size, and upload.
Scanner (Cheap) $50
Cheap 35mm Camera $50
Film - dollar or two per roll
Developing (Cheap) $4 per roll
ScanTime (I got it down to 4 minutes per pic)
So, for 24 pics:
Sony Scan
$660 $105 Equip/Supplies
$ 0 $ 96 Scan time (at $60/hr)
$ x $ x Size/Upload (same for both)
---- ----
$660 $201
Now for multiple rolls (say 5):
Sony Scan
$660 $125 Equip/Supplies
$ 0 $480 Scan Time
---- ----
$660 $605
The more you take, the more cost effective it becomes. (Mind you, I don't
know how you value your time, but waiting for a scanner hardly seems a good
use of my time).
I know I've taken a lot more than 5 rolls worth of digpics -- Take a look
at <> for example. And I've got
a lot of classic computers to take too.
The Mavica is not the cheapest DigCamera either. If you go for one of the
less expensive models, your costs go way down.
Also those digital cameras are too darn small. I don't fancy having to
fix the thing...
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a) that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California