From: "Michael B. Brutman"
<mbbrutman-cctalk at>
dwight elvey wrote:
First try removing the Maxim chip. It may be shorted. Next,
send a copy of the code you are using to control and what
frequncy the processor is running at. If the crystal isn't 12 MHz
( as I recall ) the baud rate may be differnt.
I've checked the output from the MCS-51 by putting a probe on the leg and
noticed the same thing. I think the Maxim is dutifully raising the voltage
to 10VDC from 5VDC, as it should.
I don't have control over the code - it's probably burned into this variant
of the MCS-51. Even if I have the bps rate wrong, I should still some
garbage flowing across serial interface.
I've seen the maxim parts blown such that the input was tied and
the level converter was still working.
In any case, you are most likely right about it needing some type
of hand shake. You might try something simple like control Q.
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