On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
Find this
book! Buy it! Has anybody built the stuff from the book?
Thanks. I'll try to.
Would be easiest if you could also identify the author and publisher. I
assume that 1968 predates ISBN.
If there are any copies available on e-bay, would you like to hear about
them? :-)
I take this trenchant opportunity to remind the Assembled Faithful
is, IMHO a rilly bitch'n place to score Olde Computer Books.
I have just today gotten my copy of "Digital Techniques for
Computation and Control, 1958... full of killer pix of cool old
iron, which will go to swell the many megabytes of scans I'm slowly
accumulating to be indexed and put up on my WebPage... some day soon.
I mean it.