From: Mouse <mouse at rodents-montreal.org>
I've thought it notable that commercial kitchens
seem to have fewer
of them.
I agree.? When the pros don't use something, there's usually a lesson
to be learnt from that.? (Sometimes you want to do what the pros do,
sometimes you don't, but knowing why the difference exists is almost
always good.)
C: They are pros, therefore don't need excessive use of timers, therefore
"automated" appliances aren't needed. The issue of pros not using them
probably has little to do w/other then they don't need them, and probably look down on
using them.
???? You generally don't pay big bucks for a meal made by a chef who sticks things in
the microwave.
????? Now a restaurant like Olive Garden is another story. I'm sure there's ample
use of automated cooking appliances.