That's a definite thumbs up !! It might even
finally inspire me
enough to get my Z-89 up and running. There has been
It's not working? For shame Larry! :)
considerable discussion on the H89 over the years on
the list
and Tony Duell is the resident expert. Considering the amount of
interest in them it's amazing there hasn't been something before.
Only one of the Heathkit sites had anything mildly useful when I
was searching.
It's really irritating. The volume of information on
Heathkit's amateur
radio products is nearly overwhelming, but the computer line is nearly
ignored. I would imagine that it's got quite a bit to do with the fact
that ham radio operators are massive kit builder freaks. (I can say this
because I'm one of 'em - KC7AFE *g*) It really ticks me off to see
computers as good as the H/Z series is being virtually ignored. I think
it's most likely due to the fact that "old timers" like us really enjoy
know what the hell goes on under the case and the new generation of geeks
is more concerned with what it can do or how fast it can go.
Another candidate is the TRS80 m.II which is usually
on TRS80 sites. The wee bit that is available is due
to a couple of
our european list members.
Hmm. Come to think of it, I've NEVER seen a TRS-80 Model II site. There
is a VERY good TRS-80 site at It's run by Ira
Goldklang. It's probably the single largest collection of software for
the TRS-80 series of computers that anyone has ever seen. He's looking
for a high bandwidth mirror if anyone is interested - I guess the site
costs him quite a bit to operate.